High quality seafood products!

Fresh frozen at sea

Currently there are three Jel factory trawlers and four longliners producing high quality seafood products, fresh frozen at sea. On board production assures the highest quality standards as fillets are produced and quick frozen to below -18'C within a few hours after catching.

  • Our vessels produce between 40,000-45,000 metric tons per year (selling weight).
  • Revolutionary fishing technology
  • Strong partnerships with other fishing fleets
  • Dedicated crew with years of angling experience.

The majority of vessels that land to Pinang are small inshore day-boats that land their catch within hours of capture, thus ensuring the fish is of the highest quality. They rely on seasonal fisheries native to this area and work closely with local authorities to enable consumers and the community to benefit from sustainably caught fish.

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Jel Seafoods ship
Jel Seafoods ship


No fleet would be complete without crews to operate the vessels. Fishing is an activity which requires great expertise, as techniques evolve constantly and can also vary according to the species being targeted and the area being do fished

While skill and expertise are undeniably important, the most important quality we look for in our fishermen is real passion for catching and landing only the finest fish available.

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Why Jel seafoods is the best

We pride ourselves on hand-picking, training and working with crews who are not only experts in their fields and unwilling to compromise their high levels of professionalism, but who are also able to maintain the courage and discipline required of all those who spend their lives at sea, in one of the harshest working environments known to man.

That’s where JEL comes in.

We are only interested in selling the best to our customers. Because we have our own fishing fleet, we can supply our fish counter with regular fresh catches that can be traced directly back to the sea. Operating in accordance with the Seafood Responsible Fishing Scheme, our boats work out of Pinang and catch a variety of fish from Malaysian waters; a catch can often be on its way to the Pinang farm shop within hours of leaving the sea. If we can't catch it ourselves, we source only from trusted suppliers with standards as high as our own, and we take great pride in ensuring that a delicious variety is always to be found on our fish counter.